
October 10, 2006

An Update on Thoughts

I have been so massively busy as of late with trying to get the house set up and getting my work done that I hadn't really realized that a month had gone by since I last made an entry here. It has not been for lack of anything to say (or write as the case may be), but just not really being aware of the passage of time. I'm back and ready to go...

Things are getting ready to change, once again, in my life. As most of you know, I recently moved into an apartment in Sherman Oaks and bought a car at just about the same time. So what's left to change? My employment situation, I guess...

I currently support myself with driving sedan for a smaller, but well established, car service out of Santa Monica. I really like it, for the most part, and would continue, but I think that I might be leaving in the near future. (Those of you who know the arrangements, might be surprised at the actual motivations...)

My clientele as of late has been of a most interesting variety. I am usually careful, since my views are not real mainstream and a lot of people take offence at some of what I say, especially if I call some cherished ideal into question. This hasn't been a problem as of yet. I have been attracting people of either like mind or at least interested in new ways of thinking. Such a blessing!

The bigger question is what am I going to do... Hmmm...

The obvious would be to go back into programming and write software, independently, and hire myself out for new projects. Fun, but more as a hobby with me than a way to make a living. Before anyone even thinks about it, a regular 40-hour a week job as a programmer is a definite way to get me to open my wrists. I have never been fond of the regular work arrangements and that is why I either work in transportation or as an independent.

I have a few interesting ideas as far as new jobs go. What they are will remain my little secret while I work out the details of the ideas a bit more.

A few friends have suggested that I go into what they call "Life Counseling". Interesting idea, but I will SOOO have to come up with a different name for it as I hate that name. The idea is sound though...

Spend time with people and help them find out where they are sabotaging themselves and then help them to find better ways of doing things. Nice, but I am more likely to be more of a spiritual teacher in this than what you see on "Starting Over."

Coming soon will be a series of pieces on the "Law of Attraction." Keep your eyes open.

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