
April 24, 2007

Spiritgeek.com Update and 24-7 Job Realization

The other day I was at the market checking out with my purchases when the computer just wouldn't allow me to purchase my Fuji Apples. Try as he would, the young man behind the counter couldn't get the computer to accept that I wanted apples. Being in a fun state of mind, the following conversation ensued... (at least as well as I remember the details...)
I: So, does that mean they are free?
S: Originally they were, except for that first one, it was pretty expensive.
I: Huh?
S: That first one at the fall...
I: Oh, good one, yes that was an expensive one wasn't it? I should have caught that since I'm a student of comparative religion...
S: OH? If you don't mind me asking, which one do you find to be the most respectful in presenting the Creator?
I: Personally, I find them all to be basically saying the same thing.
S: Which do you practice?
I: My friends call me a Hindu-Buddhi-Christ since I study them all and find them to be true.
S: Do you teach? Is there somewhere I can hear you?
I: Funny you should say that, I'\m just setting up a business for that very thing. I don't have any business cards, but you can check out the web site shortly at SpiritGeek.com.
Ever since I made the decision to start the web site and truly dedicate myself to helping others, I have been having similar situations appearing on a regular basis.

It has made me realize that this new ideal isn't just a job that I get to go to and return home to my mundane life after 8 hours a day Monday thru Friday, but something that will become the basis of a whole new existence for me (just slightly unnerving but exhilarating at the same time).

I have been working on the business cards and placed the order for them yesterday. The mobile number is up and working, but the answering system on the land-line is not quite ready as of yet, but here are the card images...

Business Card Front
Front of Card

Business Card Back
Back of Card

Now I just have to finish the web-site... It's coming along and should be up shortly.

April 10, 2007

No "How" Worries...

Sometimes, no matter how much you do things, you sometimes need an object lesson in how you don't know it all. Wasn't it Socrates that said "Wisest is he who knows he does not know" and trust me, that makes me a bloomin' genius (at least some of the time...).

Yesterday contained a perfect example of my occasional blundering, especially in what has recently come to be called "The Secret" or The Law of Attraction. My latest week at work has not been overflowing with tips and since I try to live on them predominantly, that means I have been a touch short of cash the last few days. Sure, I could pull a few bucks out of the local ATM but that's not the point.

Yesterday, I had only two runs booked and I basically programmed the universe that I wanted to make $40 in tips today. I figured this would not be a big problem as both clients could give me a $20 and problem solved, I don't think so. Imagine my temporary dismay when I got nada from both of them. I was beginning to doubt myself when my dispatcher called me and gave me another run for later in the evening, a regular customer who usually tips $40 on an airport pickup, which he did.

The problem wasn't the intention of making $40 in tips for the day (though maybe I should start using substantially larger numbers), but in my determination of HOW the intention would come to fruition. Thinking about it later, I tend to do this to myself and have much better success with LoA when I just say what and accept the gift and let the universe figure out the how.

A while back, I was talking to someone who is a healer and I asked how it was done. They said that for say, a broken leg. "One visualized the patient running around on the leg as if it were whole and complete. You don't worry about all the intermediate steps, the universe will take care of that, so don't worry about telling it how you want it done by trying to picture the bones knitting themselves together." What a great piece of advice, and so true as a general axiom for life.

April 8, 2007

Joy Begats Inspiration

It's Easter and I am working while the majority are having fun finding eggs and getting together with family and friends for dinner. I just had dinner, Pad-Kee-Mow, at this little place near the airport called "Thai Dishes". Quite tasty and the staff was very nice and helpful.

While I was eating and reading "The Secret," I realized something that has been happening in my experience as of late. I'm quite sure it's been happening forever, but I just took notice of it while I was sitting there relaxing.

I have recently made the decision to leave my job as a driver and go independent as a "life coach" and/or spiritual teacher. I've come up with a schedule and am currently working on creating the web pages I want, as well as creating my business cards and getting them printed.

I've been having a lovely time trying to learn Photoshop in short order and creating a logo for SpiritGeek.com (I purchased the hosting and domain name the other day--YEAH!!!!) which is a festive event if you have ever seen the graphically challenged draw (Not for the faint of heart...).

I have noticed the last week or so that I have been a touch lacking in the inspiration department and had begun to wonder if maybe I either needed to extend my original calendar, about 2 weeks to go before we give my current employer 30 days notice, or maybe just stay put. Not exactly where I want to be or what I want to be doing. At the same time this has been going on, I have been having a bit of bickering with my boss as well as several people who I am sure mean well, but are raising just about every fear known to mankind.

While reading, I started to reconnect to the happiness that I spend my life in, more or less, when I suddenly had an inspiration as to what it was missing in my logo project and why I seemed to be having conflicting ideas. One was to implemented into the other, but I needed to see it separately so I could get the details of the idea.

It was while this was all coming together that I realized the pattern in my level of inspiration, it was directly linked to my level of joy and my "attitude of gratitude." When I am in a state of joy, the ideas come out of nowhere and are great and while in that state, the ability to make them happen just appears as well. What a great way to live!

April 1, 2007


My friend Michelle has no idea what she has leashed out onto the the Christian Right next June.

Here in Los Angeles, we have several Gay Pride celebrations, Long Beach (which is usually right around my birthday), West Hollywood, LA Leather Week (I may have to check this one out...), LA Valley Pride & Pasadena's San Gabriel Pride.

Every year there is a contingent of (self proclaimed) Christians, aka "fundies", who show up to protest and generally make a nuisance of themselves. If you look at the entries from last June, you will see my usual trend to either ignore them or see if it is possible to have a conversation that doesn't degrade into a shouting match or something as ludicrous..

This year, I think we should play their game the same way they do, that's where GodHatesShrimp.com comes in. On their site, they had the following photo, as well as a few others...
GLBT Protest's Counter Protest
In one of the other images, the sign can be read better... Is says the following:
If we allow Shrimp, we allow Crab
If we allow Crab, we allow Lobster
If we allow Lobster, we allow Clams
and then Oysters...And then
Mussels... and Crayfish
What a great idea... In another picture, someone else is holding a sign that references the appropriate scripture:
These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

These ye shall eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and scales shall ye eat: And whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye may not eat; it is unclean unto you.
What a fantastic idea, either infiltrate them as this guy did, or have a segment where everyone has signs of different Levitican law that Christians ignore and make a point of passing them in the parades or other events and show their hypocrisy.

Another idea would be to have a large entry banner that says something like "Leviticus may say God hates Homosexuals, but what about..." and have each sign carry something and it's scriptural reference(s)... A thought in it's early stages, but it would be SOOO much fun.
