
April 10, 2007

No "How" Worries...

Sometimes, no matter how much you do things, you sometimes need an object lesson in how you don't know it all. Wasn't it Socrates that said "Wisest is he who knows he does not know" and trust me, that makes me a bloomin' genius (at least some of the time...).

Yesterday contained a perfect example of my occasional blundering, especially in what has recently come to be called "The Secret" or The Law of Attraction. My latest week at work has not been overflowing with tips and since I try to live on them predominantly, that means I have been a touch short of cash the last few days. Sure, I could pull a few bucks out of the local ATM but that's not the point.

Yesterday, I had only two runs booked and I basically programmed the universe that I wanted to make $40 in tips today. I figured this would not be a big problem as both clients could give me a $20 and problem solved, I don't think so. Imagine my temporary dismay when I got nada from both of them. I was beginning to doubt myself when my dispatcher called me and gave me another run for later in the evening, a regular customer who usually tips $40 on an airport pickup, which he did.

The problem wasn't the intention of making $40 in tips for the day (though maybe I should start using substantially larger numbers), but in my determination of HOW the intention would come to fruition. Thinking about it later, I tend to do this to myself and have much better success with LoA when I just say what and accept the gift and let the universe figure out the how.

A while back, I was talking to someone who is a healer and I asked how it was done. They said that for say, a broken leg. "One visualized the patient running around on the leg as if it were whole and complete. You don't worry about all the intermediate steps, the universe will take care of that, so don't worry about telling it how you want it done by trying to picture the bones knitting themselves together." What a great piece of advice, and so true as a general axiom for life.

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