I: So, does that mean they are free?Ever since I made the decision to start the web site and truly dedicate myself to helping others, I have been having similar situations appearing on a regular basis.
S: Originally they were, except for that first one, it was pretty expensive.
I: Huh?
S: That first one at the fall...
I: Oh, good one, yes that was an expensive one wasn't it? I should have caught that since I'm a student of comparative religion...
S: OH? If you don't mind me asking, which one do you find to be the most respectful in presenting the Creator?
I: Personally, I find them all to be basically saying the same thing.
S: Which do you practice?
I: My friends call me a Hindu-Buddhi-Christ since I study them all and find them to be true.
S: Do you teach? Is there somewhere I can hear you?
I: Funny you should say that, I'\m just setting up a business for that very thing. I don't have any business cards, but you can check out the web site shortly at SpiritGeek.com.
It has made me realize that this new ideal isn't just a job that I get to go to and return home to my mundane life after 8 hours a day Monday thru Friday, but something that will become the basis of a whole new existence for me (just slightly unnerving but exhilarating at the same time).
I have been working on the business cards and placed the order for them yesterday. The mobile number is up and working, but the answering system on the land-line is not quite ready as of yet, but here are the card images...
Front of Card
Back of Card
Now I just have to finish the web-site... It's coming along and should be up shortly.