
November 26, 2006

A Warning of things to come...

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about the things that I want to put down here and have been having some difficulty in figuring out what to say and what not. I have a tendency to be fairly "in your face" with much of this, since I find the following is usually the case. Either you are open to new and/or differing ideas about some of societal sacred cows, or you are not and just want something different to read. For the former, may you find some gem of thought or information that brings you closer to your destination. For those in the latter, enjoy and I hope you find some entertainment here.

A friend has told me for years that I need to learn to speak in "sound-bites", but that is very difficult to do and while I do try to be direct and succinct, it's not my biggest concern, the information and ideas that I am trying to get across are. If I get to windy for you, I would suggest you check out anything by Madame Blavatsky and find out what long-winded really is.

Others have said that I should take a lesson from teachers like Jesus and speak in parables. I tend to be to direct for that and if God wishes for me to speak that way, God had better give me that gift. I love reading parables and figuring out what they are talking about, but I don't seem to come up with adequate metaphors. Plus I have always wondered if Christianity might have had a less difficult time getting at the truth if the teachings had been put straightforwardly.

Albeit, the book of John is pretty in your face, but if the other gospels had been a bit more direct, I sometimes wonder if John's intent would have been more commonly understood.

Some say that the "Truth" is just too dangerous and shouldn't be handed out. That might be, it is possible (read likely) that many people will take just enough information to be dangerous to themselves. People like that tend be dabblers anyhow, they get a little of this and a little of that and eventually have enough knowledge to be a danger to themselves and sometimes others.

So is the "Truth" really that dangerous? No! It depends on what you do with it.

I would think that knowing who and what we all are would be in people's best interest, since if we are going to create our existences, isn't knowing what you are doing better than fumbling around in ignorance and creating the exact opposite of what we intend? Like people trying to create income, but not realizing they are so focused on the lack of it that they create more poverty by accident.

Are there other dangers? Of course, but all learning involves the possibility of making mistakes and falling down. As a very interesting line in "Batman Begins" goes:
"Why do we fall down? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
The world has learned the basics of splitting the atom and has done great harm to itself in that process. But it has also learned some positive uses for the technology and, if man doesn't kill himself in the process, it could be a catalyst for the eventual coming together of the world and its realization that we ALL have to share this little ball.

So, I guess that this is what I'm a-goin' to do. I'm going to just speak and write the way that I do and if you read these things, be aware that some are potentially dangerous, if not to you physically, at least to your thoughts and beliefs as I expect you to think. If you don't want to think about things, I would recommend you turn on the idiot box (aka television), even on cable, you won't be challenged too much.

So, without further ado...the adventure begins....

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