
January 27, 2007

Connectedness and Why I do this...

I am amazingly tired today for some reason. I got plenty of sleep and thought it was pretty sound, I didn't wake up or anything, but today, I am completely wiped, so I will make this pretty short and sweet. It was meant to be a thought anyhow.

Yesterday, I was driving to LAX and say a bumper-sticker that made me think... It said, "Remember you are unique, just like everyone else". Just slightly profound.

The main thing that I wanted to make a note of was something I was thinking about after watching something this morning. I finally found a copy of "Joan of Arcadia Season 2" and have started watching them.

I'm just on episode 5, where the school is having elections for Student Body President, etal. Joan starts helping the geeky guy that fired her in first season from the Yearbook staff. He is running and you know that a guy who has a 40+ page "Mission Statement" is doomed to failure when up against the Drama Club princess and the most popular as well as hottest jock in school.

Someone in the "hot jock" camp finds out that geek-boy's father is in prison and makes sure that everyone is aware of it, so Joan decides to go after a little dirt of her own and while following him around school, catches him with the biggest drug dealer in school. But the two are not together for the sale of illicit substances, it turns out, but to have a private moment together and a quick kiss, they are a couple? Joan and her friend manage to catch this kiss on a cellphone much to the terror of the guys.

The plan goes through a few permutations on how to disseminate this tidbit of information, but at the last moment, Joan realizes it would be wrong and refuses to use the information.

Later that evening, Joan and her mother are talking about things and this all comes out to which Joan comments on how every time she thought about the guy, all she saw was his fear and terror and how it made her remember that on some level we are all connected and wonder why it is so difficult to remember this fact.

We call ourselves Christians (to be Christ-like), Muslim (one who submits) and a whole host of other traditions, religions and beliefs. With all these paths and ways of reaching God, why do we forget the goal so often and show the deepest sides of our spiritual depravity, it's no wonder that Christians are of the belief that mankind is inherently evil and no good can be found within him.

I've commented on it before, but once again I will state that all the religions have a common belief in the idea that everyone is an eternal spiritual entity that is only inhabiting this physical form for a short time and continues on after death in one way or another. Shame we can't remember this simple fact and make it our starting point, just imagine how our view of the world would change and how we relate to each other.

I have spent the majority of the last few years trying to shift my perspective from the common source, focused on "me" as the center of the universe, to one of relating to EVERYTHING from a view of spirit that is just visiting and have watched the world make some wondrous changes around me. I am nowhere near being able to stay in that state of mind all the time, but it gets longer every time I stumble.

How would your life change if you viewed everything in your life from the perspective of your soul's entertaining drama and not as the reality we take it to be? When we change this view, the world changes with you and you find that what was SOOO difficult earlier looks more like what it says in the Bible about the time coming when people will see the Devil for what he truly is and ask "is it one such as this that caused the kingdoms to tremble?"

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