I was specifically referring to how people believe themselves to be the ultimate form of life that exists on this planet, but is just as likely to destroy himself as to survive this adolescence our species is going though.
I think Douglas Adams put it very well when he wrote something like:
My dad is a creationist. As I understand it, they believe that the world was literally created in 6 24-hour days approximately 6,000 years ago and that such theory should be taught in schools along with the Theory of Evolution as the source of life in this universe. I accept evolution as a process of life adapting and changing which can be seen around us to a certain degree.Man thinks he is the most intelligent of creatures because he has developed agriculture, civilization and cool little LED watches.
Dolphins know they are the most intelligent since they just did not worry about it.
It brings up 2 points for me:
- When I was in school, it was technically called the "Theory of Evolution" but you would have thought it was proven law if you dared to raise anything that questioned it. Ben Stein recently discussed this in his documentary "Expelled"
The simple fact is that there is as much evidence to call the Theory of Evolution, as THE source of life, into question as tends to support it...
Many items used to prove only work to a certain degree. One example that I remember was the creatures used to show the evolution of a horse' hoof. The hooves looked convincing, but I was dismayed when the skeletons were constantly changing size and other aspects of the animals had nothing that looked related, like ribs that changed number randomly. - As much as I believe in a Creator that is outside of creation, to teach it in a science class would be questionable.
Sadly, those who are somewhat anti-religious have a perfectly valid point when they point out that there is little to no direct evidence to support or disprove a creator.
Also, since the above is somewhat true, I tend to think that such things truly due belong in a philosophy rather than a science class
If we did evolve up through the species as Evolution claims, it would seem to me that we would have a more closely guarded relationship with the world around us.
As I told my dad once, my cats have enough sense to clean themselves, co-exist with their environment and not take a poo in their food dish, can we say the same about people?
We have been the indirect and sometimes direct cause of several of history's plagues though our beliefs in "dirt is from God and to wash it off would be offensive" to cats being the familiars of witches, destroy them and let the rat population grow unchecked and spread the Black Plague.
We rampage through what we KNOW to be limited resources, pollute the environment of the only place we have to live, for the time being at least, and in the name of convenience and profitability poison ourselves even if we bury our collective head into the sand like an ostrich.
So I'll ask it again, are we proof of the evolutionary origins of life or must we be something different?