Well, today has been an interesting one to say the least. I was up early and completely forgot that today was Halloween until I made it to Starbucks and saw one of the staff dressed as Superman. Cute outfit with fake muscles and everything. He even went to the trouble of doing the little curl down the center of the forehead.
For Southern California, it is a bit cool and overcast, perfect weather for the day. That cool clammy feeling that I remember from my childhood in St. Louis, should make for an interesting evening for the kids tonight.
I came up with an interesting idea yesterday, I have been thinking about writing a book of philosophical thoughts and musings, but couldn't figure out how to get anyone to read them. I usually am told what I have to say about Spirit has some value, how do you get strangers to be interested and actually look into it? I found an excellent title for the book, it is interesting enough to get some interest when read.
So, now I have no excuses for why I haven't been writing as of late. I have been busy, but I can find some time to get stuff done, we won't even go into getting the house done. Strange how we can find excuses when we just don't get off our backsides and get something accomplished. I am SOOO guilty of this. I have been really busy, but not so busy that I can't get my important things done or at least worked on... I am SOOOO bad.... ;-P
October 31, 2006
October 16, 2006
Dear Diary re: Tears
Today has been a day of tears, both happy and sad.
I had a single run this morning and it turned out to be someone I hadn't seen, in person at least, in around 10 years or so. The passenger was an actor who I have always enjoyed when I have seen him at work. Nothing of any particular significance, but it started me on the path of the day.
I went to Border's on the way home and while going through the DVD shelves, ran across "Xanadu". I remember the first time I was it, I was in a theatre in St. Louis with one of my best friends while I was growing up. I wish I could remember his name, I have SO many good memories of times we spent together, from New Years Eves at the local Christ Scientist(?) private high school to his mothers stews that turned out to be store bought dehydrated mixes that were fantastic.
I had been a fan of ELO for most of my early youth and the movie opens up with the number "I'm Alive". This is a song that has always been what I call a charge song, just listening to it can take me from a really foul place to nearly bliss in just a few notes. I have quite a few songs that do that for me and if you don't have any of your own, I hope you rethink it and find at least one. Music truly can tame the savage beasts (and the foulest of moods).
That was 1980 when those memories were created. Ronald Reagan would win the presidency in November and the "Me" decade, as it was later called, was just begining. I turned 15 in May that year and life was about to go from insane to unbelievable. Somewhere around the beginning of the year, I had told my parents that I was gay, spent the summer in a psych ward and was moved into a childrens home in October, since my parents couldn't cope.
Since I have started working on reclaiming the parts of my self that I denied for so long, I have found that I am more in touch with and able to express the emotions that normally would be repressed as a male in our culture, shame for the majority of men. I wouldn't say I am weepy or anything, but I do find that empathy has increased and I do seem to enjoy life quite a bit more.
I had a single run this morning and it turned out to be someone I hadn't seen, in person at least, in around 10 years or so. The passenger was an actor who I have always enjoyed when I have seen him at work. Nothing of any particular significance, but it started me on the path of the day.
I went to Border's on the way home and while going through the DVD shelves, ran across "Xanadu". I remember the first time I was it, I was in a theatre in St. Louis with one of my best friends while I was growing up. I wish I could remember his name, I have SO many good memories of times we spent together, from New Years Eves at the local Christ Scientist(?) private high school to his mothers stews that turned out to be store bought dehydrated mixes that were fantastic.
I had been a fan of ELO for most of my early youth and the movie opens up with the number "I'm Alive". This is a song that has always been what I call a charge song, just listening to it can take me from a really foul place to nearly bliss in just a few notes. I have quite a few songs that do that for me and if you don't have any of your own, I hope you rethink it and find at least one. Music truly can tame the savage beasts (and the foulest of moods).
That was 1980 when those memories were created. Ronald Reagan would win the presidency in November and the "Me" decade, as it was later called, was just begining. I turned 15 in May that year and life was about to go from insane to unbelievable. Somewhere around the beginning of the year, I had told my parents that I was gay, spent the summer in a psych ward and was moved into a childrens home in October, since my parents couldn't cope.
Since I have started working on reclaiming the parts of my self that I denied for so long, I have found that I am more in touch with and able to express the emotions that normally would be repressed as a male in our culture, shame for the majority of men. I wouldn't say I am weepy or anything, but I do find that empathy has increased and I do seem to enjoy life quite a bit more.
October 11, 2006
The Secret To Riches - A Visualization Tool
For this to work, read the text to yourself and allow your emotions to get into the picture. Allow yourself to become emotionally immersed in the imagery and feel as if you were a part of it. Of, course, do it repeatedly, like once or twice a day... Try it. I dare you... :)
For a high quality video, click the link here (9.4 meg) or
enjoy the YouTube below.
For a high quality video, click the link here (9.4 meg) or
enjoy the YouTube below.
Law of Attraction (LoA)
October 10, 2006
LoA: Introduction
The Law of Attraction: an Introduction
The Law of Attraction is something that every person really should become familiar with as through it the universe will make itself available to you.
Sounds a bit hokey, but it really is true and this is where we will begin with it.
When we go through the Bible and other scripture, we find that we are made to be the children of God and as such, are part and parcel of Him/Her. We tend in most of the western world to shy away from such an idea as if it were heresy and God would strike us down at the mere thought. If you believe that God is omnipresent, then God MUST be in the area, no matter what is happening. We are given the ability to turn out backs on God and deny the existence of a supreme being. God does not have that luxury, if God were to turn His back on us and separate himself from our existence, we would cease to exist and return to the nothingness that we were created out of.
I've stated it before, but I have always been amazed that there is one point of fact that every single religion, that I have looked into at least, agree upon. That fact?
In the last few years, I have been spending time and energy trying to shift my focus in life from the external, the world of things and appearances, and relate to people and things from the point of view of soul instead. The Law of Attraction has recently become a lesson in practical experience in this experiment of mine.
How I was introduced to the Law of Attraction
I have been aware of the basic premise of the Law of Attraction for a very long time and just never really understood a practical way to put it into effect in my day-to-day experience. I am one of those people that can know all the theory about something, but not necessarily have a clue about practical application. I was aware of the idea that what we focus on is what we create in our existence.
Creation is something we need to discuss real quickly. I believe that we are all the children of God and as such, it is our birthright to inherit everything that God is. This most definitely includes the rite of and ability to create. For the vast majority of us, we are unaware of the fact that we are creating entities that are constantly adding to and changing the environment we participate in. What this means for most of us is that we are creating, but not really aware of what we are creating and as such, end up creating exactly what we don't want. How do we change this? You'll see and it is amazingly simple to learn and use if you will let it be.
I have known these basic facts for as long as I've been aware of. I remember reading "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
" by Baird T. Spalding and knowing what the higher law they were talking about was, but I could never put my finger upon it or verbalize it to anyone. Throughout the books, they characters make reference to a higher law that they operate by, but I never really understood what they were referring to as to how to make use of it.
As time continued, I kept running into the general idea of the Law and yet, could never quite grasp what it was. That has recently been solved in a series of actions and events. Here's what has been happening in the last few months on this subject.
Shortly after my move back into a place of my own, which was practically an example of the Law in action in itself, I started the following series of events. I would say it started when I picked up a passenger and took her to film a commercial one morning and was going to return later and take her home. during the day, I stopped by one of my favorite used video and music stores in West Los Angeles called Record Surplus. I go to Record Surplus fairly often for their interesting selection of used CDs and DVDs for some excellent prices (ok, plug over). This particular day, I picked up "Clueless", "Planet of the Apes" Box Set Extras Disk, "Baron Baptiste: Journey Into Power", the recent "10 Commandments" TV miniseries & "The Secret".
Funny thing about that last one, "The Secret", for it was an impulse buy for no reason. The package had the logo on the front, a wax seal with an "S" in it and the text "Secret" overlaid. The back didn't say much either and I had no idea if it was a thriller or what.
I went to pick up my passenger and she asked me what I had been up to and I said shopping a bit. She asked what I bought and when I mentioned it, told me that I would find it very interesting and helpful. I put it on my video shelf and other than several friends borrowing it, they seemed to know more about it than I, forgot about it for the most part. I intended to watch it, but not knowing what it was, waited for a chance to watch anything.
A month or so later, like 2 weeks ago, a friend recommended a CD set he had been listening to. Now he is always offering self-help stuff to me and we have been helping each other out for a few years now. This time, he gave me a copy of "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" written and read by Lynn Grabhorn. Though the subject was of interest, I think the thing that actually got me to listen to the whole disk set (5 disks) was Lynn's voice and enthusiasm. In fact, it is the format that Lynn Grabhorn uses that I am using as the skeleton for these pieces. I hope I do her justice.
So after listening to this and having a major Ah-Ha moment (as Oprah would say), I finally had an expression and a practical example of the Law of Attraction. A few days later, I finally got a chance to watch "The Secret" and can you guess what it is about? Uh huh!
So I now had what I am starting to call the "Attraction Trio":
The Law of Attraction is something that every person really should become familiar with as through it the universe will make itself available to you.
Sounds a bit hokey, but it really is true and this is where we will begin with it.
When we go through the Bible and other scripture, we find that we are made to be the children of God and as such, are part and parcel of Him/Her. We tend in most of the western world to shy away from such an idea as if it were heresy and God would strike us down at the mere thought. If you believe that God is omnipresent, then God MUST be in the area, no matter what is happening. We are given the ability to turn out backs on God and deny the existence of a supreme being. God does not have that luxury, if God were to turn His back on us and separate himself from our existence, we would cease to exist and return to the nothingness that we were created out of.
I've stated it before, but I have always been amazed that there is one point of fact that every single religion, that I have looked into at least, agree upon. That fact?
- We are all eternal spiritual entities that are only temporarily inhabiting these little physical bodies.
In the last few years, I have been spending time and energy trying to shift my focus in life from the external, the world of things and appearances, and relate to people and things from the point of view of soul instead. The Law of Attraction has recently become a lesson in practical experience in this experiment of mine.
How I was introduced to the Law of Attraction
I have been aware of the basic premise of the Law of Attraction for a very long time and just never really understood a practical way to put it into effect in my day-to-day experience. I am one of those people that can know all the theory about something, but not necessarily have a clue about practical application. I was aware of the idea that what we focus on is what we create in our existence.
Creation is something we need to discuss real quickly. I believe that we are all the children of God and as such, it is our birthright to inherit everything that God is. This most definitely includes the rite of and ability to create. For the vast majority of us, we are unaware of the fact that we are creating entities that are constantly adding to and changing the environment we participate in. What this means for most of us is that we are creating, but not really aware of what we are creating and as such, end up creating exactly what we don't want. How do we change this? You'll see and it is amazingly simple to learn and use if you will let it be.
I have known these basic facts for as long as I've been aware of. I remember reading "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
As time continued, I kept running into the general idea of the Law and yet, could never quite grasp what it was. That has recently been solved in a series of actions and events. Here's what has been happening in the last few months on this subject.
Shortly after my move back into a place of my own, which was practically an example of the Law in action in itself, I started the following series of events. I would say it started when I picked up a passenger and took her to film a commercial one morning and was going to return later and take her home. during the day, I stopped by one of my favorite used video and music stores in West Los Angeles called Record Surplus. I go to Record Surplus fairly often for their interesting selection of used CDs and DVDs for some excellent prices (ok, plug over). This particular day, I picked up "Clueless", "Planet of the Apes" Box Set Extras Disk, "Baron Baptiste: Journey Into Power", the recent "10 Commandments" TV miniseries & "The Secret".
Funny thing about that last one, "The Secret", for it was an impulse buy for no reason. The package had the logo on the front, a wax seal with an "S" in it and the text "Secret" overlaid. The back didn't say much either and I had no idea if it was a thriller or what.
I went to pick up my passenger and she asked me what I had been up to and I said shopping a bit. She asked what I bought and when I mentioned it, told me that I would find it very interesting and helpful. I put it on my video shelf and other than several friends borrowing it, they seemed to know more about it than I, forgot about it for the most part. I intended to watch it, but not knowing what it was, waited for a chance to watch anything.
A month or so later, like 2 weeks ago, a friend recommended a CD set he had been listening to. Now he is always offering self-help stuff to me and we have been helping each other out for a few years now. This time, he gave me a copy of "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" written and read by Lynn Grabhorn. Though the subject was of interest, I think the thing that actually got me to listen to the whole disk set (5 disks) was Lynn's voice and enthusiasm. In fact, it is the format that Lynn Grabhorn uses that I am using as the skeleton for these pieces. I hope I do her justice.
So after listening to this and having a major Ah-Ha moment (as Oprah would say), I finally had an expression and a practical example of the Law of Attraction. A few days later, I finally got a chance to watch "The Secret" and can you guess what it is about? Uh huh!
So I now had what I am starting to call the "Attraction Trio":
Law of Attraction (LoA)
An Update on Thoughts
I have been so massively busy as of late with trying to get the house set up and getting my work done that I hadn't really realized that a month had gone by since I last made an entry here. It has not been for lack of anything to say (or write as the case may be), but just not really being aware of the passage of time. I'm back and ready to go...
Things are getting ready to change, once again, in my life. As most of you know, I recently moved into an apartment in Sherman Oaks and bought a car at just about the same time. So what's left to change? My employment situation, I guess...
I currently support myself with driving sedan for a smaller, but well established, car service out of Santa Monica. I really like it, for the most part, and would continue, but I think that I might be leaving in the near future. (Those of you who know the arrangements, might be surprised at the actual motivations...)
My clientele as of late has been of a most interesting variety. I am usually careful, since my views are not real mainstream and a lot of people take offence at some of what I say, especially if I call some cherished ideal into question. This hasn't been a problem as of yet. I have been attracting people of either like mind or at least interested in new ways of thinking. Such a blessing!
The bigger question is what am I going to do... Hmmm...
The obvious would be to go back into programming and write software, independently, and hire myself out for new projects. Fun, but more as a hobby with me than a way to make a living. Before anyone even thinks about it, a regular 40-hour a week job as a programmer is a definite way to get me to open my wrists. I have never been fond of the regular work arrangements and that is why I either work in transportation or as an independent.
I have a few interesting ideas as far as new jobs go. What they are will remain my little secret while I work out the details of the ideas a bit more.
A few friends have suggested that I go into what they call "Life Counseling". Interesting idea, but I will SOOO have to come up with a different name for it as I hate that name. The idea is sound though...
Spend time with people and help them find out where they are sabotaging themselves and then help them to find better ways of doing things. Nice, but I am more likely to be more of a spiritual teacher in this than what you see on "Starting Over."
Coming soon will be a series of pieces on the "Law of Attraction." Keep your eyes open.
Things are getting ready to change, once again, in my life. As most of you know, I recently moved into an apartment in Sherman Oaks and bought a car at just about the same time. So what's left to change? My employment situation, I guess...
I currently support myself with driving sedan for a smaller, but well established, car service out of Santa Monica. I really like it, for the most part, and would continue, but I think that I might be leaving in the near future. (Those of you who know the arrangements, might be surprised at the actual motivations...)
My clientele as of late has been of a most interesting variety. I am usually careful, since my views are not real mainstream and a lot of people take offence at some of what I say, especially if I call some cherished ideal into question. This hasn't been a problem as of yet. I have been attracting people of either like mind or at least interested in new ways of thinking. Such a blessing!
The bigger question is what am I going to do... Hmmm...
The obvious would be to go back into programming and write software, independently, and hire myself out for new projects. Fun, but more as a hobby with me than a way to make a living. Before anyone even thinks about it, a regular 40-hour a week job as a programmer is a definite way to get me to open my wrists. I have never been fond of the regular work arrangements and that is why I either work in transportation or as an independent.
I have a few interesting ideas as far as new jobs go. What they are will remain my little secret while I work out the details of the ideas a bit more.
A few friends have suggested that I go into what they call "Life Counseling". Interesting idea, but I will SOOO have to come up with a different name for it as I hate that name. The idea is sound though...
Spend time with people and help them find out where they are sabotaging themselves and then help them to find better ways of doing things. Nice, but I am more likely to be more of a spiritual teacher in this than what you see on "Starting Over."
Coming soon will be a series of pieces on the "Law of Attraction." Keep your eyes open.
My Job
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