In the film, he uses the analogy of the frog and a boiling pot of water. If you put a frog into a boiling pot of water, he will jump out. But, if you put him into a pot of water at room temperature and start to raise the temperature slowly, he will happily sit there and boil to death. This is an excellent (if not overused), example of what we are doing with our environment. One of the things that surprised me the most was just how thin the layer of atmosphere on this planet is. If you were to take a globe and give it a layer of shellac, that would be about the same thickness as the atmosphere we depend upon.
A Thought to Ponder
Even if you do not believe in global warming and you think it is just a natural cycle that is coinciding with the recent apparent changes in the weather, I would ask you this:
Does it make sense to pour tons of toxins into the environment every single hour of every day while at the same time decimating the natural processors of those toxins (trees and such)? Think about it...