
May 26, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Last night a friend and I went to see the Al Gore film "An Inconvenient Truth". I thought it was a very thought provoking and very good at both showing how Al Gore became so interested in and such an environmental activist as well as documenting his famous slide program. I would say it is definitely worth seeing, but expect to have your brain activated as you will be required to do a bit of thinking.

In the film, he uses the analogy of the frog and a boiling pot of water. If you put a frog into a boiling pot of water, he will jump out. But, if you put him into a pot of water at room temperature and start to raise the temperature slowly, he will happily sit there and boil to death. This is an excellent (if not overused), example of what we are doing with our environment. One of the things that surprised me the most was just how thin the layer of atmosphere on this planet is. If you were to take a globe and give it a layer of shellac, that would be about the same thickness as the atmosphere we depend upon.

A Thought to Ponder

Even if you do not believe in global warming and you think it is just a natural cycle that is coinciding with the recent apparent changes in the weather, I would ask you this:

Does it make sense to pour tons of toxins into the environment every single hour of every day while at the same time decimating the natural processors of those toxins (trees and such)? Think about it...

May 19, 2006

Happy Birthday 2 Me

Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To SpiritGeek
Happy Birthday To Me

On this day, we celebrate (or mourn, depending on your point of view) the arrival of your host into this world. May we all take a moment for quiet reflection and coping with this reality for a moment.


May 17, 2006

Cars and Karma

Minor miracles are happening around us on a daily basis if we will just see it and not pooh-pooh them as something else. Here's a quick example from today....

I am quite convinced that the ideas of Karma can be applied to every aspect of life and today was one of those days where it decided to spit in my eye and make sure I knew it was there.

Sounds a bit personal, don't it... Hmmm

I'm sitting up in Los Feliz at PsychoBabble getting ready to do another pickup and the last run just struck me as funny in that most would say "it's just a coincidence" but that is why most people don't see little miracles in there lives every day. They write them off as something else.

What was this lovely example of the universe showing itself? I have a regular client that I pickup and take from her home to assorted Doctor's appointments and then back to her home in my towncar. The last time I picked her up, a couple of weeks ago, we went to this office in Beverly Hills where it is nearly impossible to find a parking space. I managed to find an excellent space after a while and was just settling in to read or work on my laptop when my client called and was already finished.

We giggled about the fact that I had just managed to fine this excellent space when they were ready to go. No chance to enjoy it. That was that.... Not real impressive unto itself....

Today, I pick her up and we go back to the same office and just as we are pulling up to the building, my exact space opens, so I get to park in it again. If this isn't cool enough, the meter is broken, so I don't have to pay for the privilege.

It's not the raising of Lazarus, but if you are willing to see the little ones, you open your frame of reference to seeing larger and larger miracles everyday.

Gotta run... Need to take someone to the airport....
Back to my OH SO FABULOUS LIFE! ;-)
